FanonMonsterHunter Wikia
!Attention! This is a Fangame, meaning it is the fictional work of the creator. Fangames do not exist as real games, mods or extensions for already existing games from the MH series.
Monster Hunter Triumph
N/A Release Dates:
Creator/s Donkey4
Flagship Monster Scarlet Diablos
Monsters first appearing in this game
Toxic Gypceros, Dark Rathian, Phantom Rathalos, Blue Khezu, Cobalt Monoblos, Scarlet Diablos, Murky Plesioth and Oxidised Lao-Shan Lung
Areas first appearing in this game
{{{New Areas}}}

MHT is a fangame for the PC.


MHT is an MMO like Frontier, so it gets updates every so-often to add new monsters and other new content.

Small Monsters (Temporary)[]

All Small Monsters in the old world.

Large Monsters (Temporary)[]

All Large Monsters in the old world (Including spinoff games and concept monsters)


Snowy Mountains, Jungle, Desert, Swamp, Volcano, Great Forest, Forest and Hills, Tide Island, Gorge, Highland, Sky Corridor, Fortress, Interceptor's Base, Castle Schrade, Tower, Battleground, Snowy Mountains Peak, Arena, Great Arena and Competition Arena

Dark and Light Species[]

Some monsters have new species in MHT. An example of a dark species is the Dark Rathian, and a light species is the Cobalt Monoblos.

HR System[]

Area battle bgm changes depending on your rank

HR1~3 = Low Rank

HR4~7 = High Rank

HR8~ Goushu Rank

HR9~12 G-Rank

HR999~ Ancient Monsters Unlocked

HR1000 Seven Saviors Story Unlocked
