FanonMonsterHunter Wikia
Titles Sea Cutter Squid
Nicknames Gahn
General Info
Monster Class Mollusk
Habitats Deserted Island, Flooded Forest, Spotted Coast, Sherin Peaks, Water Arena, Defiant Stronghold
Size Large
Relatives Gansi, Amura Gansi, Zenfor Gansi, Amura Ganqeon, Zenfor Ganqeon
Signature Move Spinning Slicer
Elements Water
Ailments Severe Waterblight Bleeding
Weaknesses Fire Thunder
Creator Chaoarren

The Ganqeon are Mollusks with blade shaped bones on its tentacles.


None Yet Creatures of the sea with sword like tentacles that can cut a grown man in half easily and effectively. Once it severs flesh, it will grind it in its mouth like a blender, which few things remain intact afterwards. They also have a vent on the back of the head that releases pressure

Based on the Wiyska's appearance, there are several differences. Instead of a single crystal eye it has two red eyes on its sides, and what would be a Wiyska's eye is two small horns. It has two orange fins on the sides of its head, and on the back of the head is a red flesh vent of sorts. Its mouth can extend like the Wiyska but mostly stays in place. At the ends of its tentacles lies bone blades that extend from its tips. Its hide is pink in colour, the horns are grey, the mouth is brown, and the bone blades are a light brown.


Deserted Island: Area 11: Slice a fish

A pair of fish, size bigger than a man swim in from the right. Although the scene looks peaceful, it quickly changes as a group of much smaller one frantically speed away from a dark octopus figure moving towards them, swinging its tentacles as if they were blades, only its red eyes visible.

The creatures appears, its tentacles show to contain blades and with a pink hide. Unable to catch the smaller fish it moves to get the big ones, flailing hard with all four tentacles it stuns the fish. It brings two to each fish and slices both into three pieces. It growls, extending its mouth to eat the meat.

Camera then shifts to the entrance, where the hunter is.

Battle attacks[]

(The fight is always only underwater)

  • Growl: Gives out a yell, but doesn't require Earplugs to block.
  • Water Wave: Moves up all four tentacles and throws them down while darting back. The water effect sent causes Waterblight.
  • Headbutt: Swings forward the part of its head which has its horns to knock back hunters.
  • Frontal Double Cut: Raises both tentacles and slashes once each, hit with both causes bleeding.
  • Heavy Slash: Growls then raises one blade high then swipes it hard. Can be horizontal or vertical. Causes Bleeding if hit less than six seconds before.
  • Behind Slash: Lashes behind it with both tentacles behind it.
  • Behind Double Slash: Same as frontal but did with its behind tentacles.
  • Water Spit: A cylinder of water sucks into its mouth, it extends it fast and shots a ball of water in front.
  • Turning Slash: A swipe with one of its front tentacles to turn.
  • Four Lashes: Swipes with all tentacles once each.
  • Spinning Slashes: Enraged only attack where the Ganqeon will spred all four of the blades out, it growls then quickly spins them while moving in a single direction. Instantly causes bleeding.
  • Heat Vent Expel: After four minutes of attacks it will open a heat vent in the back of its head and expel steam which causes fire damage, but with no fireblight.
  • Morbid Birth: Extends its mouth and spits out a yellow pod, which births three Gansi.

(G Rank Only)

  • Four Lashes Combo: Open completing the attack it does its water spit attack straight away.
  • Spinning Slashes Homing: It does the unhoming one not enraged. While enraged though the attack will lock onto players making it more difficult to avoid.


  • Broken Fins
  • Broken Horns
    • Scarred Face: New Weak Point.
  • Tentacle Blades Damaged And Scarred (Individual Breaks)
  • Scarred Heat Vent

Rage and Tired states[]

  • Enraged: Will huff bubbles from mouth and expel heat more.
  • Tired: Blades lower, and will drool from mouth.


Low Rank[]

Icon Item Name Description
Hide Icon Pink Ganqeon Hide Although its flexible, it doesn't seem to protect well against attacks.
Tentacle Icon Pink Ganqeon Tentacle This arm can do strong hits and has a wide range, but the blade is much stronger.
Horn Icon Grey Ganqeon Horn A leftover part from evolution. Useless to the creature.
Blade Icon Brown Ganqeon Blade Bone structure crafted into a sword. Used mostly only for cutting up prey.
Fang Icon Brown Ganqeon Fang Evolved for quickly eating the flesh of fish. Its cylinder shape helps break food down.

High Rank[]

Icon Item Name Description
Hide Icon Pink Ganqeon Hide+ A hide that provides safety from water currents, nothing more.
Tentacle Icon Pink Ganqeon Strongarm One swing from this is deadly, even if the blade doesn't hit.
Horn Icon Grey Ganqeon Horn+ Horn that grew harder with the Ganqeon. Still useless to it unless it decides to ram something with it.
Blade Icon Brown Ganqeon Blade+ Well sharpened blade that can scar rock and shells open. Easily capable of dealing deadly strikes.
Fang Icon Brown Ganqeon Fang+ This fang has grown to break monster bone as well.

G Rank[]

Icon Item Name Description
Hide Icon Pink Ganqeon Piel Thick flexible hide from a well grown Ganqeon. Danger doesn't always have to look intimidating.
Tentacle Icon Pink Ganqeon Crusher This tentacle is just as dangerous as the blade it once held. A swing can snap a strong bone in two.
Horn Icon Grey Ganqeon Hardhorn Although very hard it serves nothing much else than intimidation purposes.
Blade Icon Brown Ganqeon Carveblade A single slash from this can cut a man in half easily. Majority of things hit by it are cut to pieces in an instant.
Fang Icon Brown Ganqeon Ripper Bone is crushed to cylinders by this maw. Those who are bitten by it are left with terrifying wounds.


The Ganqeon is mounted and attacked on the head.

Interactions with The Frenzy/Hyper State/Apex[]

Ganqeon can be infected by The Frenzy. Its pink hide turns a purple colour instead resembling its subspecies. The range of its water wave is increased.

In G Rank it is able to overcome The Frenzy and become Apex Ganqeon. It gains the move set of its subspecies, including its rare's roar. Instead of paralysis it uses water.

It can be in the Hyper Status.


  • The monster was inspired by a comment by Rathalosaurus on its OldFanon version, suggesting a rare Wiyska species.
  • It originally was known as Ganska, a Wiyska relative. But upon being moved here it lost that and became known as Ganqeon.
  • The "qeon" in its name is a shortened version of the OldFanon species known as Queonid, which it was part of there.
  • Aside from the blades, the lower ranked versions of Ganqeon are quite weak.


  • Nin10DillN64: For including Ganqeon in Monster Hunter Stories Ultimate.
  • ???(Yet to happen): For creating a render for Ganqeon.