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Gammoth Concept Art 01
Titles Avalanche Giant Beast
Nicknames Papa Gammoth, Big Daddy
General Info
Monster Class Fanged Beast
Habitats Piercing Summit, Crumbling Arena, Forsaken Tower, Heart of Origin
Size Huge
Relatives Gammoth, Elderfrost Gammoth
Signature Move Frostshatter
Elements Ice Ice
Ailments Iceblight Iceblight
Snowman Snowman
Weaknesses Fire Fire
Thunder Thunder
Creator TheBrilliantLance

Gammuthus is a Fanged Beast and the male counterpart of Gammoth. It makes its debut in Monster Hunter Ancestries.


Gammuthus is even larger than Gammoth, with broader muscles and longer, more robust legs. It has dark reddish-brown fur, which is silver where Gammoth's fur is red. Gammuthus's facial plating is also distinctively spikier than Gammoth's, and runs down the length of its trunk. It also has larger and sharper tusks, which point forward rather than curl upward. Rather than two rows of short spines, Gammuthus's trunk ends in a claw-like arrangement of four large hooked spikes.


Gammuthus leads an almost entirely solitary life, patrolling up and down mountain peaks in search of food. Though tolerant of herbivores, it is remarkably hostile to predators it encounters: most that cross a Gammuthus do not survive.

Useful Information[]

Gammuthus is more heavily armored than its female counterpart, with a plated trunk and legs coated in permafrost. Consequently, Gammuthus typically moves slower than Gammoth does. Try focusing attacks on its unarmored belly or the underside of its trunk rather than its legs to knock it over.

Ecological Information[]

Placement in Food Chain[]

Behavior Toward Other Monsters[]

Gammuthus is hostile to predators but tolerant of smaller herbivores it shares its habitat with. It is known to attack carnivorous monsters like Barioth on sight. Rumor has it that deep rumbles from within the mountains are the sound of Gammuthus facing off with Ukanlos, but this has yet to be confirmed.


Gammuthus can leave behind ​​​​​​Deep Footprints, Permafrost Piles, and Scrapes. It can also leave Stripped Trees, which reward more research points.​​

Specific Locale Interactions[]

When in Area 8 of the Piercing Summit, Gammuthus can sometimes be seen stripping pine trees and eating them. Doing so will leave behind Stripped Trees as a track.

Special Behavior[]

Gammuthus will engage any large carnivorous monster it sees in a Turf War.


Possessing incredible strength, Gammuthus is able to crack the ground and cause tremors with its stomps and headbutts. Its trunk is powerful enough to heft and throw large chunks of ice, trees, and even other monsters. It uses these as weapons and has been observed fending off threats by wielding conifers like bludgeons. Its tusks can pierce the permafrost of its native mountains, and give it a formidable charge. It can create waves of snow and ice by sticking these tusks into the ground and thrusting them forward. But the most dangerous ability of Gammuthus is its ability to trigger avalanches with its size and loud roar: by charging or bellowing, it can create massive waves of snow and ice if it is standing on a mountainside.

Rage and Tired States[]

  • Rage State: Gammuthus will huff cold air from its mouth and trunk.
  • Tired State: Gammuthus's head and neck will droop, and it will drool from its mouth.



  • Order: Proboscidea
  • Suborder: Plesielephantiformes
  • Family: Deinotheridae
  • Genus: Mammotherium
  • Species: M. montanadeus


Gammuthus has only been seen so far in the Piercing Summit of Valthiri, but it is also thought to live in the Arctic Ridge and Frozen Seaway as Gammoth has been seen there as well. 

Ecological Niche[]

Gammuthus is an herbivorous species. It feeds on many different types of vegetation in its habitat, such as seeds and fruits, leaves, grasses, herbs, moss, pine needles, and tree bark. Some Gammuthus will even eat wood if they are hungry enough. Though Gammuthus is an herbivore and lives in areas with ferocious predators like Zamtrios, Blangonga, and Tigrex, it has little to fear from them. Adults are so large and well-armed that most carnivores think twice before attacking them, if they even attack at all. The only creatures capable of being major threats to a Gammuthus are Ukanlos and Elder Dragons.

Biological Adaptations[]

Gammuthus is a massive creature, even larger than its female counterpart. Its body is covered in bluish-black, russet, and silver fur, which is useful for protecting it against the cold of the snowy environments it lives in. The thickness of its fur also helps it partially absorb attacks from threats. Gammuthus's legs are covered in large, thick spikes which are used for keeping permafrost attached to its legs. The permafrost acts as both a shield and a weapon, as its hardness prevents Gammuthus's legs from being damaged and it extends the range of its stomping attacks. Gammuthus's trunk is even stronger than Gammoth's, and can be used to shift large trees and grab food. It is also used to violently grab, slam, and throw smaller monsters if they threaten it, and it has been demonstrated to be strong enough to lift up large Flying Wyverns like Tigrex. Its head has a large bony plate that is used to defend against threats. Its large and jagged tusks have many uses, and are used to plow snow, fend off threats, fight with rival Gammuthus over territory and/or mates, and serve as recognition devices.


Gammuthus is a highly aggressive, territorial, and nomadic monster. If it finds a predator in its territory, it will attempt to kill them with its incredible strength. Though adult Gammuthus are titans with no major predators, young Gammuthus are potential prey for many predators. For this reason, young Gammuthus have snowy white fur that enables them to blend in with their snowy enviornment. Gammuthus does not look after its young like Gammoth does, and leaves it in the care of the female. While young, Tigrex is the most major predator for Gammuthus, and the one that they most fear, but as the young Gammuthus reaches adulthood, that fear is replaced with aggression and rage towards Tigrex. A starving Gammuthus is known to attack almost anything, and will go as far as eating wood off homes to satisfy its own hunger.


Gammuthus Icon by YukiHerz A moving mountain of hair and muscle, this creature is a fully grown bull Gammoth. Possessing incredible strength and a ferocious temper, it can tear down whole forests when it rampages. Its bellows and charges are enough to kick up avalanches.


  • Gammuthus will pull out a large seed or fruit from the ground to recover stamina.
  • Gammuthus's head can be broken twice, its trunk can be scarred, each of its legs can be broken once, its tail can be cut, and its back can be wounded.
  • Gammuthus is known to be much more nomadic than its female counterpart.
    • In-universe, this is why they were discovered after Gammoth was.