FanonMonsterHunter Wikia

The Forest's Heart is a large area found in the middle of a giant forest with a giant tree growing in it. Many forest-dwelling monsters can be found here, including the massive Elder Dragon, Xipec Auztecol.

Forest's Heart
Name Forest's Heart
Japanese Name ???
"An area located within the deepest region of a giant forest with a massive tree growing in it, towering over all the surrounding trees. It's said by some to be a kind of safe haven for forest-dwelling monsters with the giant tree being called the "Tree of Life", guarded by the massive Elder Dragon commonly found here."
Area No. 1
Hazards None
Small monsters None
Big monsters Agsolestea, Arderopac, Astalos, Baithepha, Chipoake, Maestro Chipoake, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho, Duramboros, Espinas, Farunokku, Fleximure, Gypceros, Purple Gypceros, Hanolente, Hydrularis, Hypnocatrice, Breeding Season Hypnocatrice, Silver Hypnocatrice, Jorokhios, Mariellidae, Mauragris, Mikiragaan, Minhocadaver, Najarala, Narcori, Nargacuga, Green Nargacuga, Niphaffet, Nokotayu, Panzoramos, Pedrunderen, Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, Silver Rathalos, Rathian, Pink Rathian, Gold Rathian, Ratufalix, Rolabius, Rosengard, Seltas, Seltas Queen, Shadowboxer Great Maccao, Solmaron, Rampant Solmaron, Warlord Solmaron, Tatsumaltas, Trakhios, Taupe Trakhios, Ventugarul, Wassellipse, Wyesperos, Xhi Khamaria, Xipec Auztecol, Yian Garuga, Yian Kut-Ku, Blue Yian Kut-Ku, Zinogre, Zi Xiaoren, Gege Zi Xiaoren, Chameleos, Inagami
Creator/s Dino0310
Icon Forest's Heart Area Icon by ThumbThumb
Climate Temperate
Weather Calm
Secret Areas None
Aquatic Areas None
Shortcuts None


Forest's Heart Map by ThumbThumb

  • Base Camp: This base camp is a small opening found deep within the large forest, resembling the base camp found in the Verdant Hills. The northern exit leads to the one and only area of the Forest's Heart, Area 1.
  • Area 1: This area is a gigantic oval-shaped area with a massive tree growing in the northern part of it, taking up some of the space alongside a small raised plateau which hunters can't reach. The trees branches and leaves cause a shadow to be cast over a large portion of the area with light passing through in between. The area also has several smaller trees and raised rock platforms which hunters can climb up to try and jump onto monsters and mount them. The western and eastern sides of the area have even taller platforms which can be climbed and used to attack hard to reach parts of particularly large monsters or to mount these same monsters.

Food Chain[]








  • Feel free to use this area in your game, add your own monsters or correct mistakes. Just make sure to ask first.


  • ThumbThumb: For the area icon and area map.