FanonMonsterHunter Wikia
Cycle Glaive Icon White

The Cycle Glaive is a weapon class consisting of two blades that can be connected and detached by their handles.


The Cycle Glaive consists of two short swords with a special mechanism at the bottom, each blade has a key lock and a key hole, when both blades are joined properly, an internal lock extends to keep both parts in place, this is the weapon's default mode.

In this base mode, or Glaive Mode, the user attacks by masterfully swinging and spinning the blade, the weapon is light enough to be moved with ease, allowing the user to guard at almost any moment.

While guarding with this weapon has a very low damage absorption rate, a bar slowly fills every time the hunter guards, guarding at a very precise moment is known as parrying allows for a critical counter-attack and increases the bar more than a standard guard.

When the bar is above a certain treshold, the weapon can switch into its secondary form, the blades are detached and the hunter holds one blade forward and one backward, in this mode, the user is very mobile, instead of guarding, the hunter can now perform a power leap anywhere at any time, when dodging, the hunter vaults towards the direction, increasing dodge range and reaction time.

In Dual Mode, the hunter attacks with a freeform combination of blade swings and kicks, kicking does less damage and no element but allows the user to continue attacking without pause, each action performed in Dual Mode decreases the gauge, when it's below the treshold, the vault returns to the standard roll and blade attacks become less effective, prompting the user to return to Glaive Mode to refill the gauge.

